Independent Provider FAQs

Independent Provider FAQs
What is CPSE Portal?
CPSE Portal is a website used by Counties to collect and share data with their providers.
What tasks will we do with CPSE Portal?
The primary provider tasks in CPSE Portal are:
Entering dates of attendance for Classroom programs
Entering / uploading treatment log/session note information for SEIS & related services (including services delivered as part of a tuition based center based program)
Creating and submitting electronic invoices/vouchers to the County.
Will the system completely remove the need for paper bills or will there be some paper to fill out?
This does not eliminate all paper completely, but will reduce paper billing.
How will this electronic billing affect the timeline of the county paying on agency vouchers?
The timeline for the County paying agency vouchers should not change.  The County will continue process bills for payment as they receive them. 
What kind of device do I need to access CPSE Portal?
CPSEPortal is a website.  It is accessible via any device than can access the internet, including PCs, laptops, Macs, Tablets/iPads, smart phones/iPhones, etc. You can use any web browser to access the website.
Is there any need for an IPad/tablet or would typical laptops be all the therapist needs to participate in online billing?  
Typical laptops work great.
Will this be an app on the iPhone?
It is not an app.  CPSEPortal is a website.
Does this system require the provider to use a smart phone for documentation?  
No it does not.  Any device with internet access and web browser can access the system.
How do I get a login for the website?
When the County sets you up as a billing provider, the system will send you an email “inviting” you to create an account on CPSE Portal. This email will have a link that directs you to a page that allows you to create an account and choose a username and password.
For service setting/ location, do we put the full address if the child is seen at home? For daycare, the webinar said just to put the name of daycare.
Ideally, yes.  We suggest you use the enrollment “defaults” mechanism to prefill the setting and location with defaults for each attendance in which case this is minimal effort.  
However, if the address where the service was provided by another means, such as the child’s home is documented in the IEP or other means, then using just “home” would suffice.
The combination of Setting and Location should satisfy requirements described in Medicaid Q&A  #105 & #164
How do I login initially?
Once you have accepted the invitation and created your CPSE Portal user name and password, you will then log in at
Is the 'billing provider setup form' the same thing as the email invitation? 
No. The billing provider setup form is no longer used.
What if a provider works for multiple agencies? 
The provider would only have one user account but may be linked to the different agencies including working as both an independent and for an agency.
What is the NPI number?
NPI stands for National Provider Identifier.  It is part of HIPAA mandates for all healthcare providers to obtain one.  Special Education teachers may also obtain one, but not all do.
As a permanent licensed teacher I do not have an expiration date. What is to be done at this point in time?
The license information is for professionals licensed through the NYS Office of the Professions.  These professionals include Speech & Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistance, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Master Social Workers, Psychologists, etc.  These professionals are issued a 6 digit license number that needs to be renewed.  These professionals should enter their license number with original issue date and renewal date.
There are other professionals that are certified through NYSED Higher Education including teachers, TSHH, TSSLD, school psychologists.  For these professionals, the dates can be left blank.
As a licensed speech therapist who holds a TSSLD/TSHH, should I include both credentials in the personal information section of the website?
You only need to include your SLP information.
It was not clear that we should randomly select a PIN number.
You will need to choose a PIN that you will use to digitally sign your treatment logs / session notes and for submitting vouchers.   Each PIN should be something that you will remember.  You should not share your PIN or login information with anybody.
For more information, please refer to this article.
What is an enrollment?
An enrollment is a particular service documented on a child’s IEP.  It is similar to an authorization in Early Intervention.  It indicates a particular service and frequency for a child to receive for a specified timeframe that the IEP covers.  Children have separate enrollments for the summer session vs. the 10-month (Sep-Jun) session.
Who logs in the initial child information?
As the County receives the information from the districts, the County enters the information into their system and it gets uploaded to CPSE Portal. 
However, if there are delays in the County receiving the paperwork from the district and entering it, the Agency can enter temporary placeholder Children/Enrollments in lieu of the ones that the County has not yet uploaded.  This allows Therapists have access to their caseload and to enter session notes contemporaneously.  
The temporary placeholder items can later be merged with the actual County created items.  These temporary placeholder items are referred to as “unmatched” and the process to merge them with the County created ones is referred to as “matching”.
Whenever I check my Caseload, nothing shows up.
The county uploads enrollments into the CPSEPortal – The Servicing Provider has the option of creating temporary enrollments under the Unmatched Children and Unmatched Enrollments menu in order to begin entering sessions.  
Once the county imported enrollment is in the CPSEPortal, the provider/admin may then match.
Is this the way we access information about student we have accepted from the school districts? 
You may reference enrollments under the My Caseload menu OR under the Lookup menu -> Enrollment Lookup.
Is it possible for the County to notify provider when the child info has been input so that provider can then match their information to the County?
Providers may reference all enrollments under the Lookup menu -> Enrollment Lookup to view all county imported enrollments as well as unmatched enrollments. We will look into adding a date added column to this report so that you can check for new ones.
Providers may also click “Attempt Enrollment Match” under the Unmatched Children and View Unmatched Enrollments menu in order to check for prospective matches.
What should the provider do if they view an enrollment and notice an error?
The provider should contact the County to notify of them of the discrepancy.  
The County can get corrected information from the district and update their system and the CPSE Portal.  
The amount of time for the information to be corrected could vary depending on whether new documentation is needed from the district, what documentation is needed, how long the district takes to provide the information to the County, etc.
Can service providers generate daily session notes and progress reports on the CPSE Portal?
Session notes can be entered daily.  Additionally, reports are available to generate electronic (PDF format) or paper versions of the session notes.
What are the guidelines for providers to submit session attendance?
Therapists should enter and sign sessions daily as often and frequent as they can.  Submitting billing to the County is same frequency as it is now.
Will we have to write and sign signed sessions as they happen?
Per SED, session notes/treatment logs should be contemporaneous, as soon after the session as possible.  
Session notes may also be entered into the CPSE Portal by transcribing them from contemporaneous paper notes and indicating such.
Do we still need to maintain hard copies of notes in our files for audit purposes?  If so, will the hard copies represent original signatures, not a copy of the signatures?
We recommend that providers maintain back up copy of treatment logs entered into the CPSE Portal system. This is considered good practice, just as just as you should keep copies of your taxes after filing with the IRS.   Treatment logs can be saved to an electronic file (PDF) and stored on a computer of other storage device.   
Alternatively,  you can choose to print them out on paper.
The treatment logs will indicate they were signed digitally, which is considered an original signature.
What will be the agency requirements for service provision documentation retention once processing services in this system begins?
The requirements have not changed.
Do notes accept clinical jargon?
Can sessions from early mornings and evenings be entered into the system?
Yes – early morning and evening sessions may be entered on the weekly attendance calendar, however, will not appear on the weekly attendance calendar due to time range – these entries may be found and edited on the Review and Sign Attendance screen.
When do the attendance and session progress note need to be done? At time of session? How long do we have until it must be entered?
Per SED, session notes/treatment logs should be contemporaneous, as soon after the session as possible.  
Session notes may also be entered into the CPSE Portal by transcribing them from contemporaneous paper notes and indicating such.
The tutorials discuss signing and unsigning session notes. However, it is unclear as to whether family/caregiver is part of the process as they have been.
The signing and unsigning mentioned in the tutorials refers to the Therapist’s digital signature, not a parent signature.  
Parent signatures will be done on paper.  
The county will be sending county specific information in regard to parental signatures.
Is the ICD code the same code used on the child's prescription form?
It should be the principle diagnosis for this particular session/service, which could be the one on the script.
Does the note section on the attendance form replace the daily session notes or is this summary note in addition to the daily session note forms? 
The information in entered into the website is the session note.  This will replace current paper forms.
Do I need to fill out "classroom attendance" if I'm seeing a child in a private preschool as an RS  provider? (only child I see there, not the whole class)
No, Classroom Attendance is for children in a tuition center based program, not related service children.
Will this program include our quarterly progress notes/ discharges, and other requests for either increasing or decreasing service levels?
No, this will not include these.
Some districts require us to update therapy goals 2x/yr - will this program include this or will it remain the way it is now?
No, this program will not include this. That will remain as it is.
Is this strictly for documentation or does it replace IEP direct?
No, this does not replace IEP direct.
In order for me to fill in CPT and ICD codes I will need them for (service).
We cannot provide guidance on what CPT and ICD codes are appropriate.  However, if there is no applicable CPT or ICD codes, use NOCPT OR NOICD, respectively
Are the therapists supposed to enter data during the session time?
Who is going to inform the families/teachers and justify the subtraction/detraction of the treatment time?
Treatment time is for treatment.  It should not be reduced with this process.  The session can be documented after the session as it is currently done.
When having to input the child's diagnosis, what if the diagnosis is unknown or not stated in the information provided?
Certain related services such as speech, OT & PT require a documented medical need; a diagnosis.  For other services where there is no applicable diagnosis, the value, you may enter “NOICD”.
When beginning to use the Portal, will written back-up also be necessary?
You will not need to submit written backup to the County with billing.  
If you are taking hand-written notes contemporaneously, and then entering the data at a much later date by transcribing from the paper note, you should maintain the paper backup.
As an independent provider, do I need to write each session note on the computer each day for each child, while the computer is not accessible during my session?  That means, do I first write my notes as I'm in session then I have to rewrite them on the computer?
Per SED regulations, session notes should be contemporaneous, or a soon after the session as possible.  
If you choose to hand-write contemporaneous notes and later transcribe them into the system, you may.
How much is actually mandatory to be completed.... daily attendance, notes, monthly attendance....?
Per SED regulations each session must be documented with a complete session note.
Are there any attendance codes, such as Family Cancel or Therapist Cancel?
No.  However, for your own tracking purposes, you may enter any non-billable sessions under the Activities menu->Activity Management.
Is the attendance date stamped?
How long do you have access to see a child in the system?
For at least 2 years after the end of school year.
Is there a time limit for un-signing notes other than once vouchered?
How will parent/guardian signatures/initials be collected?
There will be forms for collecting the signatures to verify the sessions.  
The parents are not signing the treatment logs, but rather a separate form to verify the date and time of the session.  
The format of the form varies from county to county.  
However, the form provides for a single page to collect a month’s worth of signatures for a particular child. 
What is a voucher?
A voucher is a collection of attendances submitted to the County for payment.  Other terms for it could be a bill or an invoice.
Who cuts the checks for payment?
The County.  The actual payment/reimbursement process from the County is not changing.  The part that is changing is how the County receives the billing and session information.
Will a transcript of the training videos and webinar be available to print out or download?
We will have a recording of the Webinar available.
What other additional training is available?
There are many recorded webinars and tutorials in Knowledge Base that may be referenced as well as support staff via email.