A primary purpose for Counties to use CPSE Portal is to support Medicaid billing. As a result, much of the system is based upon Medicaid requirements.
According to Medicaid requirements, the Licensed therapist should be the individual listed as the treating therapist and the person completing the notes.
Q. Is Medicaid reimbursement available for services provided by student interns?
A. Medicaid reimbursement is available when individual or group therapy is being provided under the direct, face-to-face supervision of a New York State licensed and currently registered practitioner acting within his or her scope of practice. To be Medicaid reimbursable, a session involving a student intern must be conducted with the licensed clinician in continuous attendance with the student intern and the child or children receiving the service. In addition, the qualified practitioner must be guiding the student intern in service delivery and cannot be engaged in treating another child, supervising another student intern, or doing other tasks at the same time. The qualified practitioner is responsible for the services that are furnished to the child, including writing a session note that reflects the service that was delivered, and signing all documentation. It is permissible, but not necessary, for the student intern to sign the session note. A separate note may be written by the student intern for educational purposes. For further information please visit the CMS website: http://www.cms.gov/manuals/Downloads/bp102c15.pdf [December 13, 2010]
Article ID: 109, Created: 1/17/2018 at 5:01 PM, Modified: 1/17/2018 at 5:11 PM