- Go to “Claims” and choose “AVL List”
- The following screen will open.
- Here, you may choose a school year and click “Retrieve”.
- If you wish to edit, right click. If this is the current session/AVL, the option to “Un-Post to Edit AVL” will pop up.
- This option is available because it is current and therefore does not need to be re-done, only edited.
- There will be verification needed that this is your desired action.
- If it is a previous AVL right click and the option to “Un-Post to Redo AVL all over” will pop up.
- As this AVL is not current, it must be completely re-done rather than just edited.
- There will be verification needed that this is your desired action.
Article ID: 128, Created: 6/13/2018 at 9:47 AM, Modified: 6/13/2018 at 3:49 PM