AVL - Service

  1. Download Summary Files
    • Maintenance>SED Data> Import summary Data from CPSE Portal
      • Select School Year, then select:
        • Click on the 'Import Service Summary' button and then click 'Auto Match Services (STAC-1)
          • (You will need to do separate imports for each service and for each year)
Service AVL
AVL – Automated Voucher Listing
Claims -> Load/Create AVL File

  • From SED (Double Click)
    1. Download AVL File
  • Enter SFTP/Go Anywhere username and Password
  • School year drop-down
        • Click 'Get Listing'

  1. Highlight file (most recent file date)
    • Click Download at the top
    • Done 

  1. Double Click the AVL Text Folder 
  2. Double Click on the from SED Folder
    • Select/highlight the most recent file
    • Click Load AVL file (you will see it loading)
  • Done -> OK
Check for AVL Adjustments
  • Reports -> AVL/Claiming -> AVL 
  • Bottom right -> AVL adjustments
    • (if there are adjustments, you must reconcile before finishing AVL) 
    • [will bring up report]
  • Click OK
Claims -> Process AVL
  1. Select Service Type  
  1. Refresh  
  1. Select All -> Claim
    • A Red "F" indicated a Full Claim
  2. Select Try to Part Claim -> Select All -> Claim 
  •             A Yellow "P" indicates a Partial Claim

  1. Repeat steps 1- 4 for each Service Type (for all CB, SEIT, and RS) 
    • Select Service Type 
    • Refresh
    • Select All -> Claim
    • Try to Part Claim -> Select All -> Claim
X Out
Claims -> Audit AVL RS/ SEIT sessions (this will not be for CB)

  • Run Audit
    • Will provide the number of records failed
  • Double-click on first
    • Edit -> OK -> Yes -> Close
    • (When sessions aren’t matching, use as an opportunity to check for problems)
  • If there are problems (that cannot be resolved here)
    • Claims -> Audit AVL RS/SEIT Sessions
    • Select all -> Right Click -> Remove Claim from AVL    
      • These will go to Unclaimed Payables to review later
Reports -> AVL/Claiming -> AVL
  • Run AVL Report
  • Print last page, take a screenshot of the table, it will be sent to SED.
  • X Out
  • If you have adjustments -> Get report (AVL Adjustments)
  • AVL breakdown report (if you choose)

  • Cancel
Claims -> AVL Check
  • Generate AVL Balance Check Report
  • Preschool and SED should match
  • Print
  • X Out
    • Should send this to either preschoolsupport@cpseportal.com and copy your support contact, or fax the document to 518-393-9938 at the attention of your support contact.
Create Return File
  • Claims -> Load/Create AVL File
    • Select the Create Return AVL tab
  1. Create AVL Return file
    • OK
  2. Upload AVL Return File
  3. SFTP/GO Anywhere password
    • OK
1. Yes – to auto-generate. It will autogenerate an email with the SED email (OMSSTAC@NYSED.GOV) and you’ll want to be sure to also include:  2. Include the screenshot of the table from the AVL Report in the email.