Medicaid Special Transportation Claiming

For requirements related to submitting Medicaid claims for transportation, please refer to for guidance.

To enter transportation Medicaid claims in Preschool, follow the instructions below

  1. Go to Medicaid>Enter Attendance (The screen capture below shows all of the fields in the remainder of the steps.)
  2. Select the Transportation enrollment.
  3. Select the month, and the payment that was made within that month.
  4. The CPT code will be T2003
  5. The CPT units will be the number of trips for the day (1 for one way, or 2 for round-trip.)
  6. Enter the Primary Diagnosis for the child.
  7. The Service Provider can be left blank.
  8. Select the dates that the child received transportation on the calendar below the data entry. The attendances will appear on the right side of the screen. 
  9. When complete, select "Save Changes" and then "Done" in the lower right hand corner.