Creating Enrollment Supervision Plans

An Enrollment Supervision Plan links a particular child's enrollment to a Supervision Plan between a particular Supervisor/Supervisee.

1) If you haven't created the Supervision Plan, follow this to create one.  Creating a Supervision Plan
2) On the Supervision Plan listing screen, click the "Details" link to get to see the details of the plan for the supervisee.

3) On the Supervision Plan Details screen, there is a tab for Enrollment Supervision Plans.
There are two methods to add Enrollment Supervision Plans
  • Auto Create Enrollment Plans - this will create an Enrollment Supervision Plan for each enrollment on the supervisee's caseload for that session.  You should use this button, if the Supervisor will be the Supervisor for all children on the Supervisee's caseload
  • Add a Supervision Plan for an Enrollment - this will take you to the Add Enrollment Supervision Plan screen, where you can pick and choose which enrollments to add for this Supervisor.  You should use this button and screen if the Supervisee has multiple Supervisor's that Supervise different children on their caseload

4) Add Enrollment Supervision Plan
Use the checkboxes next to each enrollment and click "Create Enrollment Supervision Plans", to select which enrollments from the Supervisee's caseload will be supervised by the current Supervisor.  

5) When done click "Return to Supervision Plan Details" and you will see the Enrollments have been added to this Supervision Plan.