Adding a new transporter to Preschool and eSTACs

There are three steps to adding a new transporter
  1. Add the transporter to Preschool
  2. Add the transporter to CPSE Portal
  3. Configure the options in eSTACs for the new transporter

STEP 1: Adding the Transporter to Preschool

1. Click the transporter option under the “Providers” menu.

2. Click the “New” button to clear out the screen and put the screen in “add mode”.

3. Enter in the information for the transporter and click “OK”.


STEP 2: Adding the provider to CPSE Portal

1. In Preschool, click the CPSE Portal User Management option under the CPSE Portal menu.

2. Find the transporter on the list of providers and double-click.

3. Click the Add New CPSE Portal Provider.


STEP 3: Configuring eSTACs options

1. Login into CPSE Portal and open County Transporters screen.

2. Click Retrieve to populate the gird.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the grid.  In the last row, use the dropdown to select the new transporter and then click the add button.

4. Open the County Contracted Providers screen under the eSTACs menu.

5. On the County Contracted providers screen, choose your school year and session that you want to allow this new transporter to be used and click retrieve.  Find the new transporter in the list and click the Edit button on the far right of the line.

6. Click the Allow Transportation check box and click update to save the information

7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 for each school year & session that this transporter will be used.
8. Open the County Transportation Service Providers screen under eSTACs.

9. Choose the school year and session and click retrieve.  Find the transporter and click the Select button for that transporter.

10. Select which services the transporter will provide and click update.

11. Repeat steps 9 & 10 for each school year session.