Entering Credentials For Your License After CFY

When you have obtained your license and transitioned out of CFY, you just need to reflect that change on your Portal credential with these simple steps:

  1. Go to "My Account" -> "My Profile". Under "Licenses/Certifications/Professions", click "Add".

  1. Enter your license information into the Portal, please make sure the credential type is selected as a license. Click "Save" when you're done.

  1. Although your CFY is no longer active after you have obtained your license, you still need your CFY on your profile for policy reasons. And if your CFY credential's expiration date is after your license's issue date, click "Edit" next to your SFY credential and change the "To" date to the day before your SLP's issue date. (The Portal will report your CFY as expired and put a red cross next to it when you go to sign attendances, you can ignore that since you can still sign without issues as long as your license is in good order)

  1. You will need to verify your credentials again. If you need assistance with that process, you can follow one of the following two articles:
     https://support.cpseportal.com/kb/a150/credential-verification-providers.aspx (For Providers verifying the credentials themselves)
     https://support.cpseportal.com/kb/a149/credential-verification-agencies.aspx (For Agency Admins to verify the Providers for them)