How to see the latest SED rates - County Users

(Only County office users have access to see different provider's SED programs and their rates)

To check the latest SED-approved rates for SEIT and CB programs for a specific provider, please follow the steps below:

1) Go to "Lookup" -> "SED Lookup" -> "SED Program Provider Lookup"

2) You can search for the provider's partial name on this page. Once you see the provider you want, click their "Programs" link on the right side of the page.

3) On the new page, you can see the latest rates and aide rates for all of their programs. The rates are only for the school year you selected in the "School Year" dropdown.

4) If you click the "History" link of one of the programs, you will be taken to a new page to see the rate change history for that specific program in that particular school year.

Please note, if SED's Rate Setting Unit released new rates that you are not seeing on this page, that is most likely because SED's STAC Unit (they are a different unit than the Rate Setting Unit) has not posted the new rates yet. The CPSE Portal collects rate information from the STAC Unit on a nightly basis.