Setting up and using Payment Requirements in Preschool

Setting up and using Payment Requirements in Preschool
Payment Requirements in Preschool is an assistive checklist function that helps remind you if a provider has fulfilled your requirements for them to get paid (getting STAC from the district, prescription from the provider, etc.) We will go over how to set it up and how to use it in this guide.

Setting up requirements
1. To open requirements maintenance, go to Maintenance -> Requirements.

2. The Requirements Maintenance window will show you a list of your existing requirements and allow you to edit or delete them.
To add a new requirement, click "Add", enter the description of the requirement, and click "Save Changes".
Requirements are only a checklist, so entering "Prescription" inside the description won't check for entered prescription information, it's to remind you that services may not have prescriptions entered.
Also, not specifying an RS type for RS services will apply that requirement for all RS service types.

3. Once a requirement is set, it will hold any payments for the set service type the next time you process a voucher. In this example, you will see that the payments are italicized and have $0 as the amount to pay.
(If you enter payments manually, the requirement will also take effect, turning your payment items grey and setting their amount to $0.)

Using requirements - Unlocking Payments
To unlock the payments withheld by the requirements you set, you just need to check off the requirements. There are two places where you can do that:

Checking Requirements when you want to pay the provider:
1. In the Process Voucher window, you can right-click a payment and select "Requirements".

2. It will open a small window for you to put a checkmark next to the requirement. In this example, if you have received that child's STAC form, you can check the requirement and click "OK".
Requirement checkoffs are saved, so if you checked off the STAC requirement once, all subsequent payments for that enrollment won't be withheld by them.
And the payment will be unlocked:
(If you manually enter payments, you need to press "F2" on your keyboard to access the requirements window.)

Checking Requirements as soon as they are fulfilled:
1. You can also check off an enrollment's requirements as soon as they are fulfilled. To do so, first look up the child and head to their enrollment screen. Select the enrollment and click the "Require" button at the bottom.

2. The same requirement checkoff window will open. This is useful if you have just entered the child's script information since you can just check off the script requirement (if you have set one) right there and then. Again, requirement checkoffs are saved, so once it is checked, it will remain checked until you uncheck it.