Missing Medicaid Parental Consents
The Missing Parental Consents page may be accessed by going to the Medicaid menu, selecting Missing Documents, and clicking Missing Parental Consents.
(Please note: until the next publication of Enter Claims, the Missing Parental Consents page may be accessed by going to the Medicaid menu and selecting Missing Parental Consents)

This page serves as a running list of the children whose Medicaid consent forms have not yet been submitted to CPSE Portal. Users can filter the list by school year, county, and school district.
A child's name is removed from the list once their Medicaid consent form has been submitted. To submit the form, under the Medicaid menu, select Parental Consent Entry, enter the child's last name, and click Select. Click the Upload New Parental Consent button, select the file off of your computer, enter the date that the form was signed, and press Save.