How to Unsubmit a Voucher
A user can unsubmit a voucher as long as the county has yet to download it. Reasons a voucher may need to be unsubmitted is if the voucher needs to be deleted or corrected (such as removing attendances or adding some).
1. Go to Billing > Voucher Listing.
2. A user can filter by the County, School Year Session, Enrollment Types and a specific Date Range and click “Retrieve”.
3. Find the voucher that needs to be unsubmiited and click the “Unsubmit” button on the far right of the row.
a. If the user does not see an “Unsubmit” button as an option for the voucher, this means that the voucher has already been downloaded by the County and cannot be unsubmitted.
4. Once the user clicks the “Unsubmit” button, the voucher will fall off the Voucher Listing list and display again on the Voucher Management screen where the needed corrections can be done.
Article ID: 445, Created: 12/30/2022 at 2:04 PM, Modified: 8/14/2024 at 10:15 AM