Billing Provider Site map


Billing Provider Site map

  1. File Transfer
    1. My Downloads
    2. Transfer file to County
    3. Transfer file to District
  2. Activities
    1. View Child Activities by Therapist
    2. Recover lost Activities Entries.
  3. eSTACs
    1. Documents
      1. Download Submitted Documents
      2. Download Transportation Documents
    2. Maintenance
      1. CB Classes
      2. CB Programs
      3. Verify CB Program Dates
      4. Provider Site
    3. Reports
      1. CB Class Listing
      2. CB Transportation Listings
      3. STAC-1 Listing
      4. Submitted Evaluations
      5. Submitted Evaluation Components
      6. Submitted Placements
    4. Review
      1. Assignments Needing Review
  4. Attendance
    1. Service Attendance
    2. Classroom Management
    3. Classroom Schedule Maintenance
    4. Weekly Attendance
    5. Delete Uploaded Attendance
      1. By File
      2. Search
    6. Upload Attendance File
    7. Validate Attendance File
    8. Upload Enrollment File
    9. Unmatched Imported Enrollments
    10. View Unsigned Attendance
    11. Sign Attendance Missing Co-signature
    12. Move Attendance Between Enrollments
    13. Classroom Enrollment Attendance
  5. Billing
    1. Items Not Ready To Be Billed
    2. Voucher Management
    3. Submit Voucher(s)
    4. Print Voucher Summary
    5. Voucher Listing
  6. Caseload Maintenance
    1. CBRS Enrollments
    2. Assign Child’s Therapist(s) and Service Provider(s)
    3. Unmatched Children
    4. Add / Edit Unmatched Enrollments
    5. County Rescinded Enrollments
    6. Rescinded CB Enrollments w/ CBRS
    7. Caseload
    8. Upload Prescription Details
  7. Lookup
    1. Child Lookup
    2. Enrollment Lookup
    3. CPT Code Lookup
    4. ICD Code Lookup
    5. District Lookup
    6. NPI Lookup
    7. Program Provider Lookup
    8. Rescinded CB Enrollments w/CBRS

  8. Documents
    1. Upload Single Document
    2. Upload Multiple Documents
    3. Documents Needing More Info
  9. Reports
    1. Voucher Listings
    2. Billed Items
    3. Remittance Batch Details
    4. Session Listings
    5. Therapist Activity
    6. Enrollment Listing
    7. Child Treatment Log
    8. Classroom Attendance
    9. Enrollment Assignments
    10. Rendering Provider Attestations
    11. View Child Activity by Therapist
    12. Enrollments Without Attendance
    13. CB Enrollments Missing Attendance
    14. Enrollments uploaded by County
    15. County Service Provider Listing
    16. Submitted Session Listing
    17. Attendance Not Meeting Medicaid Requirements
    18. Supervision Activity Report
  10. Medicaid
    1. Parental Consent
    2. Missing Documents
      1. Missing Documents Preventing Claiming
      2. Missing Scripts
      3. Missing Parental Consents
    3. Documents
      1. Document Request for Providers
      2. Upload Barcoded Documents
      3. Requested Document Listing
      4. Unidentified File Upload
      5. View Unidentified Files
    4. Prescriptions
      1. Prescription Entry Maintenance
      2. Upload Order image
      3. Enrollments Needing Prescription
      4. Prescription Details Without Image
      5. Images without Prescription Details
      6. Invalid Written Orders
    5. IEP Documents
      1. Missing IEPs
    6. IEP Maintenance
    7. Medicaid Contact List
  11. People
    1. Credential Approval Listing
    2. Potential Verification Problems
    3. Provider Specific Identifiers
    4. Service Provider Listing For School Year
    5. Service Provider Credential Listing
    6. Service Providers With multiple Licenses
    7. Service Providers with License issues
    8. Service Provider Credential Verification Listing
    9. Users
    10. People
    11. Invitation
  12. My Account
    1. Change Password
    2. User Account Details
    3. My Profile
    4. My PIN
    5. Billing Provider Profile
    6. My Articles
    7. My Configuration
  13. Knowledge Base