Entering Classroom Attendances

Entering Classroom Attendances


Go To Attendance> Classroom Management 

You may have a long list of classrooms. To find your current classroom, fill out the filters at the top.

After filling out the filters, click "Apply Filter" to see a shortened list.

Click on the Attendance link to the left of the class name.

The date of 6/25/20 is greyed out for Jane Doe because her enrollment ends on 06/24/20, while John Doe can have an attendance because his doesn't end until 06/25/20. 

Clicking a cell once will turn it green, twice to red, and three times back to white. Green indicates the child was present for that day.  If all the children were present for the day click on the checkbox next to the day and all of the attendances will be highlighted in green. Double clicking the day will change it to red. Red indicates the child was absent for that day. 

In the above example, I have set Monday to Present/Provided, and Tuesday to Absent. You can see that the total sessions in the lower right hand corner have been totaled up. In addition, you must click the "Save Attendances" button in the lower right to save the attendance that was just entered.