Downloading the Vouchers
To download submitted vouchers from the Portal to Preschool follow the steps below.
Go to the CPSE Portal tab in Preschool > Click on Download Vouchers.
Once the screen opens, select List Available Vouchers.
If applicable, you can check the Include Previously Downloaded to see the other vouchers that you have already downloaded.
The vouchers that have been submitted will show up in the list of available vouchers.
Select the file that you want to download and then click the Download Billing File button.
Once the File is downloaded you can then Process the voucher.
Processing the Voucher
To process the downloaded vouchers from the Portal, go to CPSE Portal> Process Vouchers.
Select the Provider and the voucher that you want to Process.
Then Click the Process Button.
This will take you to the Attendance Audit Screen.
Investigate any children with Audit Failures or Warnings. The key is located in the bottom left corner.
Once you have investigated any audit issue you can Process the voucher. If you want to process all of the children on the voucher that passed the audits you can just click Process. If you do not want to process some children just uncheck the box next to their name before clicking Process.
Once you have clicked the Process Button you have successfully processed the voucher from the Portal.