How long does it take for an enrollment to display in CPSE Portal after a district submits a STAC-1 in eSTACs?

How long does it take for an enrollment to display in CPSE Portal after a district submits a STAC-1 in eSTACs?

eSTAC’s is a tool within CPSE Portal that allows school districts to enter STACs and send them to the county. When a district submits a STAC-1 it will not immediately display in CPSE Portal, this is because the County must first process the STAC submission from the county. Once the District submits a STAC, their job is complete and it is completely up to the county to upload the enrollment to CPSE Portal. Some counties may take longer than others to synchronize and upload the enrollment. If a district has submitted a STAC and you are still waiting, you should contact the county.