County User Site Map

[This Site Map is for County Users with County Admin, County Basic, and County Full-Service permissions]

  • File Transfer
    • My Downloads
    • Upload Data File
    • Transfer file to Provider
    • Transfer file to District
  • Activities
    • View Child Activities by Therapist
  • IEP
    • Frontline
      • Mandates Without Provider
      • unmatched Student Search
      • unmatched Mandate Search
      • Attendance Import Problems
      • Import Problems
  • eSTACs (If your county does not have eSTACs, you would still see this tab, it's just that you wouldn't need to visit any of its pages)
    • Documents
      • Missing Documents
      • Missing Documents By Rule
      • Replace Document
      • Returned Transportation Documents
      • Review Transportation Documents
      • Unidentified Documents
      • Download Submitted Documents
    • Maintenance
      • CB Classes
      • Verify CB Program Dates
      • Contracted Provider Related Services
      • County Contracted Providers
      • County Evaluation Component Types
      • County Program Category Placement Locations
      • County Program Category Service Types
      • Default Session Dates For District
      • County Transportation Service Providers
      • County Transporters
      • County Document Rules
      • Merge Students
      • Migrate County Contracted Providers
      • Provider Site
      • Submission Permissions
    • Reports
      • County Provider Listing
      • County Provider Listing By Type
      • CB Aide Listing
      • CB Class Listing
      • CB Program Listings
      • CB Transportation Listings
      • Evaluation Listings
      • Evaluation Problems
      • Placement Listings
      • Placement Detail Listing
      • Placement Problems
      • Placements Requiring Coordination
      • STAC-1 Listing
      • Submitted Evaluations
      • Submitted Placements
      • UnSubmitted Evaluations
      • UnSubmitted Placements
      • Transportation From Listing
    • STACID Request
      • Requests to SED
      • Responses from SED
      • Problems 
    • Submit
      • Submit Evaluations
      • Submit Placements
    • Student Search
  • Attendance
    • Signed Attendances Missing Cosignature
    • Move Attendance Between Enrollments
  • Billing
    • Items Not Ready To Be Billed
    • Billing Provider Attestations
    • Rendering Provider Attestations
    • Delete Submitted Voucher
    • Remove Attendance From Voucher
    • Voucher Listing
  • Caseload Maintenance
    • County Rescinded Enrollments
    • Rescinded CB Enrollments w/ CBRS
    • Tuition Calculation Dates
      • Tuition Calculation Start Dates
      • Tuition Calculation End Dates
  • Lookup
    • Child Lookup
    • Enrollment Lookup
    • CPT Code Lookup
    • ICD9 to ICD10 GEMS
    • ICD Code Lookup
    • District Lookup
    • NPI Lookup
    • SED Lookup
      • SED Summary
      • SED Program Provider Lookup
      • SED STAC Error Code Lookup
    • Program Provider Lookup
    • Provider Lookup
    • Rescinded CB Enrollments w/ CBRS
    • View Unmatched Enrollments
  • Documents
    • Upload Single Document
    • Upload Multiple Document
    • Documents Needing More Info
    • Document List
  • Reports
    • Therapist Activity
    • Child Treatment Log
    • Caseloads
    • Enrollments Without Attendance
    • Enrollments Uploaded By County
    • County Service Provider Listing
    • Submitted Session Listing
    • Attendances Not Meeting Medicaid Requirements
    • County Group Rates
    • Overlapping Sessions
    • Supervision Activity Report
  • Medicaid Service Bureau
    • Medicaid Cost Report
    • Full Service (This option is only available to counties with Full-Service Medicaid)
      • Unreconciled Claims
      • CIN Management
        • CIN Change Confirmation
        • Parental Consent CIN Verification
        • Child CIN Changes
        • Manual CIN Search Tracking
        • CINs Without Current Eligibility
        • CINs Without Consents
      • Reports
        • Enrollments Without Claims
        • Providers Not Enrolled as OPRA
        • Remittance Totals by Service Month
        • Remittance Totals by SchoolYear Service Month
        • Remittance Payment Summary
        • Claiming Summary For Cycle
        • Full Service Claiming Summary
        • Full Service Pre Remit Summary
        • Full Service School Year Stats
      • Claiming
        • Claim Detail Review
        • Reviewed Claim Details
        • Void Claim Details
        • Pending Voids
    • CIN Lookup Request History
    • Parental Consent CIN Verification (This option will only show for non-FSM counties. FSM counties have this option nested in the Full Service dropdown)
    • Potential CIN Matches
    • View Claim Batch Status
    • View Remittance
  • Medicaid
    • Parental Consent Entry
    • Verify Parental Consents
    • Documents
      • Requested Document Listing
      • Unidentified File Upload
      • View Unidentified Files
    • Prescriptions
      • Prescription Entry Maintenance
      • Upload Order Image
      • Enrollments Needing Prescription
      • Prescription Details Without Images
      • Images Without Prescription Details
      • Verify Prescriptions
      • Invalid Written Orders
    • IEP Documents
      • IEPs Needing Verification
      • Invalidated IEPs
      • Missing IEPs
    • NYSSHSP Submission
    • Document Management
      • Missing Documents Preventing Claiming
      • Missing Parental Consents
      • Missing Scripts
    • Supervision
      • Pre-License Plan
      • Supervision Plan
      • Enrollments Needing First Visit
  • People
    • Credential Approval Listing
    • Potential Verification Problems
    • Service Provider Listing For School Year
    • Service Provider Credential Listing
    • Service Providers With Multiple Licenses
    • Service Providers With License Issues
    • Service Provider Credential Verification Listing
    • Users
    • District Users
  • My Account
    • Change Password
    • User Account Details
    • My PIN
    • My Articles
    • My Configuration
  • Knowledge Base