Preschool Version 5.31.1


  • Shows production folder location
    • The Folder location is a textbox so it can be copied and pasted
    • The Master folder link opens the prod folder


  • New screen to upload children for initial start of eSTACs
    • Counties will use this button at the start of eSTACs (they can click the button multiple times with no issues)
    • If they click the button and they already use eSTACs all the system will do is upload children without the eSTAC’s student number.

Add New school year

  • Added warning if creating over a year in advance

RS Rate Details

  • Fix issue with invalid use of NULL

Child screen

  • Added ability to upload a child to CPSE Portal

  • Replaced county of residence with Foster County

Evals & STACs

  • Added ability to view and set Foster County

RS enrollments and STACs

  • Added checks for individual vs group for OT, PT, ST and OT1, PT1 ST1

  • Added checks for amending CPSE Enrollments that have been uploaded

SED Summary

  • Added Foster Care County to grids


  • Changed duplicate check from fail to warning

  • Ability to see eval transactions
    • Right Click on the Eval Select Show STAC 5 Transactions

  • Change rate population on a new entry to not fill in until the date is entered

CB Enrollment Screen

  • Added STAC Code in addition to program code (9100-J instead of 9100)

Enrollment Payment Summary

  • Added STAC From and To Dates from Summary db
    • The dates will highlight in yellow if the STAC is different than what SED has.

  • For transportation STAC enrollments, dates default to education dates


  • Batch listing

  • View details of transactions

  • View Rejections

  • Check to prevent users from Sending a file that has a different date than today


  • Batch listing

  • View rejections

  • View details of transactions

  • Check to prevent users from Sending a file that has a different date than today

Medicaid Consent Letters

  • Fixed issue with not generating letters for children without a CIN

Maintain RS Rates

  • Fixed issue with not being able to change group calculation method

Manual Payment Adjustments

  • No longer have to specify a reason

AVL Processing

  • Part Claiming will not show payments after max payment through date for AVLs #1 & #2

AVL Problem Research

  • Now can factor in max payments through date for AVLs #1 & 2

CBRS Enrollments

  • New screens and process for adding / editing them


Enrollment Attendance screens

  • Added new columns for duration, individual vs group, etc

  • Added ability to change Medicaid No Bill

AP Export

  • Fixed issue was having with a provider name being too long

Child Medicaid Screen

  • Added update button for single row CINS

Foster County

  • Added new fields for foster county

Enrollment Count report

  • Expanded size of provider name to fix error

Medicaid Cost Report

  • Changed contractor costs layout to match PCG updated format

Program / Provider Comparison

  • Highlighting of field differences

  • Filtering

Added ability to move attendance between enrollments

RS / SEIT Screen

  • Additional edits

Child Lookup

  • Fixed bug where Preschool would crash if you looked up a child but hit cancel instead of selecting a child

Eval Rates

  • Added feature to update existing enrollments

STAC Screen

  • Expanded the STAC screen to display county enrollment totals.