Medicaid Attendance

Medicaid Attendance
The Medicaid Attendance Screen can be accessed by selecting a child and going to Medicaid – Enter Attendance.
  1. Medicaid Eligibility is now based on the Medicaid Service Bureau. Eligibility was previously based on CNYRIC and included an eligibility date range. Now eligibility is listed on a month to month basis with no SSI. Users can conclude that if a child was eligible on both January and February 1, for instance, that the child was eligible for the full month of January. If a child was eligible on January 1 but not February 1, the child’s eligibility likely ended at some point in January, which will warrant further investigation. More Medicaid eligibility information is available by clicking the Medicaid Info button.
Please note: the shift to Medicaid Service Bureau is not retroactive. If a child had Medicaid eligibility with CNYRIC, that information is still available and may be viewed by clicking the Medicaid Info button.
  1. Users can now manually change the date of an evaluation if the signed date is different from the date it was performed. All that matters for Medicaid is the day the provider signed off on the evaluation. As such, if an evaluation was performed and the attendance was entered, but the performance date was entered in place of the signed date, users can now double click the attendance entry on the Attendance grid on the right to open the Edit Attendance screen. Here, users can manually change the service date to correctly reflect the signed date rather than the performance date.

 3. Preschool will now prevent users from deleting attendance records that have been claimed to Medicaid. These entries will now be greyed out and cannot be deleted.