Therapist can't enter attendance for a child (RS, SEIT, and CBRS)

Therapist can't enter attendance for a child (RS, SEIT, and CBRS) 

If you cannot find the child's enrollment in the enrollment dropdown when you try to enter a new attendance on the weekly attendance screen, you are in the right place. In this article, we will walk through some common causes and solutions to this problem. 

Or if you can find the child's enrollment but cannot put anything other than "Missed Treatment Session" in the session type dropdown, please make sure the time you are entering the session for isn't in the future, as any session being entered for a time even a few minutes ahead will only have the "Missed Treatment Session" available. 

Or if you can select and enter everything fine and get an error message preventing you from saving the session note, please contact

1. Check if the enrollment has been assigned to you. Go to "Caseload Maintenance" -> "My Caseload". 
This screen displays all the enrollments that your admin has assigned to you. If you don't see your child here, please contact your admin and ask them to assign the child to you. 
Agency admins can refer to the following Knowledge Base article about the process of assigning children to therapists: 

2. Check if the date you are trying to enter is within the enrollment period of the child's enrollment. 
For example, if an enrollment starts May 18th, you wouldn't be able to see the enrollment when trying to enter an attendance on any date before May 18th. Vice versa if the date is after the end date of the enrollment. 
You can easily reference the from and to dates of your enrollments on the same "My Caseload" screen.