Preschool Version 5.13.1

Preschool Version 5.13.1 Release Notes
Preschool > Versions
  1. Medicaid Menu
    1. Medicaid Attendance
      1. Medicaid Eligibility is now based on the Medicaid Service Bureau.
      2. Evaluation Attendance can now be entered for a different month than the actual Evaluation for instances where the Evaluation was signed in a different month than when the evaluation was performed.
      3. Preschool will now prevent users from deleting attendance records that have been claimed to Medicaid.
    2. Batch Submission
      1. When submitting a batch, the batch status now goes from transferring to transferred.
      2. Changed the view submitted Medicaid Batch details screen to show the CIN that was submitted to Medicaid for a Child on that claim, rather than the Child’s current CIN.
    3. Reconcile Rejected Claims
      1. Edit and Resubmit Claim has been added to the menu, in addition to the existing double-click function.
    4. Reconcile Denied Claims
      1. Edit and Resubmit Claim has been added to the menu, in addition to the existing double-click function.
    5. Remittance Reports
      1. Summary by Service Month, Summary by Calendar Year, and Summary by School Year have been added as report options.
      2. Modified Remittance Posting to allow for re-posting a Medicaid Remittance if only part of the remittance was posted the first time.
    6. Submitted Batch Details
      1. Users can now change descriptions.
      2. Columns for reconciliation information have been added.
      3. Denied and Rejected Claims have styling changes based on whether or not they have been reconciled.
    7. Void Batch Details
      1. Users can now change descriptions.
    8. Adjust Claim
      1. Batches List will now not display batches that have already been submitted.
    9. Attendance Details
      1. Group size is now listed.
      2. The Attendance Grid now displays the number of sessions.
    10. Claim Batch Details
      1. Users can now change descriptions.
      2. ST1, OT1, and PT1 are now displayed with the “1”.
    11. Claim History
      1. Columns for CIN, Claim Batch, and Original Payer Claim Reference have been added.
      2. Users can now clear reconciliation status.
    12. Edit Claim
      1. Each claim will now show its original provider, even if it is not associated with that vendor anymore.
    13. Import Remittance
      1. A warning prompt is now triggered if a user attempts to close the screen without downloading all pending claims and remittances.
    14. Ordering Provider for Evaluations
      1. Columns for ICD and Signature Date have been added.
    15. New Medicaid Reports
      1. The following Medicaid reports are now available:
        1. Children with Duplicate CINs
        2. Children with Invalid CINs
        3. Medicaid Children Listing
    16. Encounter Tracking
      1. This new screen has been added to record encounters.
    17. Batches as Reconciled
      1. Batches with everything reconciled will now show as reconciled.
    18. Claims with Warnings Glitch
      1. A glitch that prevented claims with warnings from being added to a batch has been fixed.
    19. Implemented new Medicaid Rate Codes per Medicaid Alert 18-01
    20. Resolved an error with deleting a Child with CIN History
  2. SEIT/RS Location and Setting
    1. Location Maintenance
      1. On the Location Maintenance screen under the Maintenance menu, users may now input county wide and provider specific locations which can be listed on Related Service and SEIT enrollments.
  3. Updating Code Tables
    1. Medicaid
      1. You are able to automatically update CPT, Rate Codes, Rates, rejection reasons and denial reasons by synchronizing with Medicaid Service Bureau and CPSE Portal.
    2. Settings/Location
      1. You are able to update service settings in Preschool by synchronizing with Medicaid Service Bureau and CPSE Portal.
    3. Profession Codes
      1. You are able to update Profession Codes in Preschool by synchronizing with Medicaid Service Bureau and CPSE Portal.
    4. SED Data
      1. You are able to update STAC 1 Error Codes and STAC-5 Error Codes in Preschool by synchronizing with data that came from SED.
  4. Enrollment Payment List
    1. Moving Payments to Different Enrollments
      1. On the Payment List screen, right clicking a payment enables the user to move payments to different enrollments.
    2. Moving Payments to Different STAC
      1. On the Payment List screen, right clicking an enrollment enables the user to attach the enrollment to a different STAC.
      2. Service type has been added to the STAC description for attachment to  different STAC.
  5. Enrollment Detail Listing Report
    1. Fixed an error that occurred under certain circumstances.
  6. CPSE Portal
    1. Service Provider Listing
      1. Users have access to a new screen listing service providers.
    2. Process Voucher
      1. Counties can now edit the details for county voucher number, batch, and vendor invoice number.
  7. AVL Changes
    1. You now have the ability to unpost an AVL
      1. This is under the AVL list.
      2. You can right-click the AVL you want to unpost and select " Un-Post to Edit AVL" or “Un-Post to Redo AVL all over”.
    2. Problems that May Prevent Claiming Report
      1. This will help you see potential problems that will affect the AVL.
      2. This should be done before loading the AVL
    3. Unclaimed Payment Research
      1. This will also help you see potential problems that will affect the AVL
      2. This should be done after you’ve loaded the AVL and marked the records to Claim.
  8. Miscellaneous Changes
    1. If users attempt to import programs and providers for a new school year before adding that school year, the system will generate an error rather than add problematic programs.
    2. Users now have the ability to merge duplicate service providers.
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