Initial Setup  
Once CPSE portal account has been created and username and password received, log into
1. Change Password: Please refer to instruction on changing password...
2. Service providers will need to create a PIN for signing attendance: Please refer to instruction on Choosing a PIN for signing         attendance...
3.. Enter License/Certification Information: Please refer to instruction on entering license/certification information...
4.  Enter Credential Signature: Please refer to instruction on entering credential signature...
5.  Enter Favorites: Please refer to instruction on entering favorite ICD and CPT codes...
6. Billing providers will need to create a PIN for submitting vouchers to the county:  Please refer to instruction on Billing       Provider PIN...
     Agency/Center Based Admin:
7.  Classroom Management (create classrooms): Please refer to instruction on classroom management...
8.  Assign Children to Therapist: Please refer to instruction on assigning children to therapist...