Therapist Cannot Sign Sessions

If a therapist cannot sign an attendance, go to Attendance > Digital Signature > Review and Sign Attendance.  From there they can view what may be preventing them from signing, both within their credentials and within the attendances themselves.

If the Provider has an issue with their credentials, it will display in the Profile section with a red “X.”   In this section there are three things that could prevent the Provider from signing: Missing a signature, errors with their credentials, or not having created a PIN.

If there is an error with their Signature, this can be corrected either by clicking “Edit” next to it, or by going to My Account > My Profile.

Enter their signature in the box next to Signature, Title, and Credentials,

Then click “Update.”

If instead the error is with the Provider’s credentials, there are a few common problems that could occur, however, you can confirm what is causing the error by clicking on the red “X.”

If the Provider is missing a license # or From/To date for their license, it can be updated by clicking “Edit” or going to My Account > My Profile,

                Click “Edit” next to the license, and make the necessary corrections,

                Then click “Save.”

This may require you to verify your credentials.

If the error stated that the Provider’s credentials were not verified, or they had just updated their credentials, the Provider can verify their credentials by going to:

My Account > My Credential Verifications,

Click “Verify” next to the red Not Verified,

Confirm the information is correct, then click the boxes next to the red Verify,

This will change them to a green Verified,

Once all the information is verified, click “I attest the above information is correct,”

Enter your PIN, then click “I Agree.”

Another common issue is Provider who have expired licenses.  If the Provider’s license has an incorrect end date, it can also be corrected in My Account > My Profile, by clicking on “Edit” next to the license, updating the end date, clicking “Save” and completing Credential Verificaiton.

Recently, Providers have also reported they are receiving an error stating they are “missing license #” for a CFY.  If a Provider has a CFY, and are receiving this error, this may be because their CFY is listed as a “License” as the Credential Type.  Once changed to “Initial,” and saved, they will no longer have that error.

Finally, if a Provider has an error with their PIN, it may be because it has not been set up.  To set up a PIN:

My Account > My PIN,

Enter a PIN, we recommend choosing a 4-number PIN, as character other than digits can cause errors,

Enter your Password, then click “Change PIN.”

If the provider has no issues with their credentials, but they’re still unable to sign attendances, check below in the “Audit” tab.  Any attendances with errors will display with a red “X” or a yellow triangle next to them.   Clicking on those icons will explain what part of the attendance is preventing them from signing it.